2016 Master Gardener Class Graduates

The 2016 Southside Master Gardener Training lasted 16 weeks including four difficult tests.  Pictured are the 2016 Graduates: Gretchen Williams, Hongqing Ye, Irene Dunn, Nancy Bane, Dawn Bruno, Donna Campagna (absent but there in spirit), Andrea Burke and Jeanne Durham.  Pictured in the back row are Dan Goerlich, Central District Director, John Freeborn, Assistant Virginia State Coordinator and Bill McCaleb, local Master Gardener Coordinator.

Two of this year’s graduates, Andrea Burke and Irene Dunn, had completed an additional 50 volunteer hours and are now Master Gardeners.  If you would like to know about the Master Gardener program and activities visit www.ssmga.org or contact the Halifax Extension Office at 434-476-2147, option 0.